An update.
I don’t know where to begin, so I thought I’d give you an
update in bulleted form. Here goes:
- I’m doing OK. Life is moving along just fine.
And I even got to go on vacation.
Sunset on the beach. Yay vacation!
- My new role at work is really busy. I love being in the hospital every day and feeling like I’m making a difference.
- My food has been---eh. I’m trying. I haven’t given up (you know that will never happen). But I’ve let a lot of other life things get in the way. I’m not happy with that, so I’m actively working to fix it.
- I am not pregnant—but I hope to be. Without going into detail, that has meant some medications and testing that has messed with my hormones, and that’s also affected my food and exercise.
- Even if I get pregnant tomorrow, I am still committed to working toward the healthiest me I can. The definition of what that means may change for a few months.
- I am actively pursuing my new role as a LaCroix drinker. This is BIG NEWS, friends. Many of you will remember my tawdry, dysfunctionalrelationship with Diet Coke, yes? I haven't had one in years. But unfortunately, real Coke became a terrible substitute for a time. So I’m trying to like LaCroix. It’s happening slowly, but hopefully surely.
- My newest hobby is growing and developing the perfect seasoning on my cast iron skillet.
- My husband has started going to the gym with me. He runs on the track while I’m in class. I love that even though we’re not doing the same thing we’re still there together.
I’ll probably elaborate on a few of those things in the next couple of weeks. I’ve
got a long list of new favorites to share, so look for that next Friday.
Thank you for never giving up on me!