Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The distraction of running

So, as I told you last week, my Weight Watchers weigh-in was less than ideal. Three weeks of overeating took its toll and I was up 6.8 pounds.

Last week I tried to take on a new outlook. I've been running (more on that in a second) and trying to stay within my allotted WW points every day.

Today I weighed in with a little success. I was down 3.6 pounds from last week. I'm feeling better.

Now. About that running thing. As I mentioned, I've been working the Couch to 5K program, which gradually trains you to run a 5K. I'm now almost finished with my second week, which consists of a 5-minute warm-up walk, followed by cycles of 90 seconds of running, then 2 minutes of walking.

For someone who is not a runner, 90 seconds of running is hard. Hard. But the great thing I discovered is that my time on the treadmill or outside is the only time I'm able to get out of my own head and forget the things that have been dragging me down.

Because the whole time, all I can think of is how much I hate running. There are no thoughts of broken hearts, work stress, to-do lists or other worries. I'm just driven by hate. That's kind of working for me.

But something else follows that hate--an unbridled sense of accomplishment. As soon as that little app beeps at me and tells me I'm done running, I'm proud--fiercely proud. I just ran a full minute and a half! I RAN!

As it continues to get harder (I think next week I have to run for three minutes straight), I'm determined to just try my best.

It's all I can do, right?

For now, here's a super attractive picture of me post-Silver Comet trail. Proof that I'm trying. Yay for German-Irish pink skin!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Erika! I have the same beautiful pink/red skin when i get done running too....just even more of an awesome reminder that you just worked your butt off!!! You are AWESOME! Keep up the great work!


Anonymous said...

You're awesome!

LT said...

You're so pretty :-)

Tiffany said...

Go you! I'm doing C25K too. I started Week 4 which (with my app) involves running 4 minutes, walk, run 6 minutes, walk, run 4 minutes. When it was over I couldn't believe I just did that. (I had to distract myself not with hate, but with air-drumming to Missy Elliot, so I'm sure anyone I passed thought I was insane...)

Love the picture! xoxo!

dree said...

ever since you started this journey, I've been thinking, "I can't wait until she starts running."

I knew it would happen.

Anonymous said...

WOW, awesome loss and exercise routine this week! Good job! Love the pink skin--same thing happens to me!



Charlotte Marie said...

This is awesome! I'm sure a plan is super helpful for staying on track, and I love your healthy glow. :) Glad to see you blogging and hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

I get that same rosy glow when I run. :-)

I started running by a similar plan and felt the same way you do. I hated every second and had an incredible sense of accomplishment with each workout I completed. When I ran my first 3 miles without stopping, it was an incredible feeling. I had never done it before in my entire life and it took me 45 years to do it!

The good news is that the days that the runs suck are greatly outweighed by the days that are great runs as time goes on. Regardless, the best run is the one you just finished.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I get that same rosy glow when I run. :-)

I started running by a similar plan and felt the same way you do. I hated every second and had an incredible sense of accomplishment with each workout I completed. When I ran my first 3 miles without stopping, it was an incredible feeling. I had never done it before in my entire life and it took me 45 years to do it!

The good news is that the days that the runs suck are greatly outweighed by the days that are great runs as time goes on. Regardless, the best run is the one you just finished.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I wish I could consider being down 3.6 pounds only a little success! You are an inspiration.

cd said...

You're adorable!! I totally get what you're saying about running - you'll probably come to LOVE it! But hey, if hate is working for now, go with that... You look great! Congrats on losing half of what you gained! I bet you feel great! Keep it up, girl!

Anonymous said...

You look FABULOUS!!

Nancy said...

Congrats on the loss! I totally hear you on hating running, I tried a C25K last year and quit when I had to run for 8 minutes straight, I just wasn't feeling it. The husband is running his first marathon in a few weeks and ran 18 miles this weekend - I'm in total awe of him and wish I could do it. But seriously, if you can stick with it, more power to you!

Anna said...

90 seconds might as well be 90 mins! It is very hard :-) Keep up the good work!

Hollybell said...

Keep it up Rockstar - so proud of you for giving running a shot!!